Joseph Hessert Guest Author: Founding editor of ARDOR Literary Magazine
Get Organized – Get Renovating
Beginning a home renovation is an exciting time, but without the right combination of preparation and management, a renovation can become very busy, stressful, and hectic. Many people underestimate the work and stress of a renovation and as a result, they are often overwhelmed. This is the reason why so many DIY projects go unfinished.

DIY Home Improvement Projects Need Plenty of Thoughtful Planning
The good news is that with a bit of proper planning and a direct course of action, your project can go smoothly and you’ll empower yourself to enjoy your renovation. Hopefully, with our expert advice, your home renovation plans will be completed without issue, allowing you to enjoy the process.
The Importance of Having a Plan
When you have a plan for your home renovation, your project is far more likely to be successful and you set yourself up for success rather than failure. A plan allows you and your team to know what to expect, it can help build motivation and a good plan will bring your family or workgroup closer. Remember to be reasonable and considerate of every detail of the plan so that nothing is left out. Setting reasonable deadlines will allow you to focus on the work and enjoy the process of renovating your home.

Have Plans Drawn Up and Plan Your Renovation Schedule
Start by Doing Your Research

Research Well Before and During Your Renovation Project
The single largest issue facing individuals who start a home renovation project is lack of knowledge. This is something in your control: empower yourself and learn what you are getting yourself into before you begin! It doesn’t take much time on your computer to look up step-by-step instructions and instructional videos and that initial time investment will not only save you time in the long-run, it will allow you to enjoy yourself more during the renovation project.
There are many different resources available that will help make your life easier as you get to work on your own home projects. If you don’t feel like reading articles and how-to guides, you could watch television shows or videos on the internet. If you do your research properly, it can be the difference between months of stress and a walk in the park. It’s always best to know what you’re doing, especially when it means not having to do a job over again later.
Speak with Someone Who Knows Better
Whether you talk to a friend who has renovated their house recently or you call a professional, it’s a good idea to invite someone else’s opinions and have a second set of eyes look over your plans. You can still do the job yourself, but you should make sure that there aren’t any major flaws in your plan of action. Nothing is worse than getting halfway through a job and realizing that you did something horribly wrong?like blocking off an exit or breaking fire codes. Renovation is hard enough and it’s discouraging to have to stop to fix something that went wrong. You can avoid this catastrophe by asking for someone else’s advice.

Talk to a Trusted or Recommended Contractor for Advice on How to Best Tackle Your Project
Get your Supplies Together Early
If you gather supplies early you’re far less likely to have budget problems or run out of money to finish your project. Home renovations can be expensive, so if you start gathering supplies in advance and spread the cost out over a period of time, you can avoid having to spend all of your money at once. This way, if something does turn out to be wrong or you forget something, you’ll likely have a little money in your bank account for a cushion in case of an emergency or surprise cost.
Gathering your supplies early will also help you stay motivated. It’s possible that you’ll work harder, earning more since you have a daily reminder that you’re getting closer to your goal. It always helps to prepare early rather than to scramble for everything at the last moment and gathering supplies over an extended period of time will also allow you to keep your eye out for bargains and take advantage of sales and promotions for big-budget items or expensive tools. For many people, this is a great help in getting their projects completed faster and with fewer complications in the long run.

Home Renovation back to Framing
Keep to a Tight Schedule
When you are planning everything out, you should estimate the duration of your project and get a sense for how long it will take to complete each task. Plan your project backward: start by choosing the final end date (when you want everything completely done) and write down a project schedule that seems conservative. This will keep your goal in sight for the duration of the project and it will give you the motivation to help get to the finish line.
Remember to be reasonable when you set your schedule, and make sure that you keep the deadlines within reach. It’s important to find a balance between allowing you too much time and too little – if you cut yourself too much slack that might lead to falling behind or becoming lazy. Drawing out a big renovation project may be fun for you but chances are there are some people in your house that will feel differently.
It can also help to ask someone, such as friends or family, to help you with projects so that you can get done faster and enjoy yourself more – spending time with the people you are close to. Working with other people will help motivate you even further.
Be Logical in Your Plan of Attack

Painting in Renovation
Home renovations can quickly get out of hand and enthusiastic DIY enthusiasts will often choose the first project they see and jump right in. While it can be your first instinct to go through your household renovation projects in random order you should think it through and choose an approach that makes the most sense. For example, many people try to go in the order of rooms that they use the most.
Many people start in their living room because that is where they and their families will be spending the most time. This way, the more important room is finished first and out of the way … allowing you a sanctuary to retreat to after a long hard day plumbing the cramped upstairs bathroom.
Others choose to work in an order of difficulty. If they feel that they will run into the most problems in the bathroom or the kitchen, they will start in these rooms (when they have the most energy and the most resources).
Still others choose to work in the reverse order, beginning with smaller, easier projects and building up to the most complicated renovations. Your plan of attack is completely up to you – just make sure that you have one!

Home Painting
Make Sure that Everyone is in on the Plan – Try & keep the Peace
As you construct your plan, keep everyone that might be working on the projects involved. They might not have to be a part of the planning but you should keep them up to date on everything that you decide on. This is especially important as you are deciding on a schedule so that you can take into account everyone’s different activities and events. The last thing you want to do is ostracize your family members that are showing up to help you for free! Not to mention, the more involvement others have in your plan and your renovations, the smoother your job will go.
With careful planning and clear communication, your home renovation project is sure to go smoothly and it will be much more enjoyable for you and everyone involved.